Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This is RainbowGay. I made her shortly after hearing the controversy over a pony named Derpy getting removed from Friendship is Magical. I don't watch the show and don't see myself ever watching it in the future. Even so, there is a good point made in the "Save Derpy" campain. Censorship. It's been happening more and more lately as SOPA and PIPA snake slowly through the ears of every internet user. It's also happening more on television. Not in the same ways, but in ways that are questionable. Let's start over:
This is RainbowGay. She is a beautiful, independant, lesbian pony. The pride flag on her side clearly shows how proud she is of her sexual identity. However, if anyone were to have brought RainbowGay to the producers of My Little Pony, she would be turned down. And even if she got her name changed and removed her flag, it wouldn't be alright. Because that's not her.
I think that parents over-emphasize what is acceptable and what's not. It's good when parents tell their kids bullying is bad and to accept others. But apparently "others" doesn't include the LGBT community? Is anyone else confused by this? You let your kids watch cartoons in which men are drooling over a sensual woman, usually making unwanted advances toward her, and yet when two cartoon men are holding hands on TV it's automatically inapropriate? Okay, what's with that?
We've made it acceptable for a man and woman to display less-than-modest acts of affection in public places. In front of children. And then when Fred kisses Ted on the cheek, you cover your childrens eyes. What? Why'd you react like that?
The next time you're about to say something or respond in a way that's hurtful toward another person or group, please think twice. You don't know how that might affect them. And if you have a rather old-school family that has a problem with LGBT, don't force them to conform to your own beliefs. Just let them know what you think without being mean and accept them as they will accept you for being curtious to them.
Tell me what you think of RainbowGay. Leave a comment below. :) 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We, The Birdz

As time goes on, I am getting more and more familiarized with my school's "policies" on gender.
I hate to bring up the dance class thing again, but this is something I can't stand.
Today I had to stay for the partner dancing. I had dreaded doing it knowing that I'd have to touch someone I wasn't familiar with.
The hand-holding was not what made me uncomfortable.
Before we even spun a circle, we had to meet our partners in the middle. There, you had to curtsy if you were a girl and bow if you were a boy.
I decided to bow, considering I'd never liked the feel of curtsying.
When I came back to my place in the circle, my friend gave me a look. "You're supposed to curtsy," she said ,"because you're a girl." Her words stung, burned, and left a scar. Even my friends could be ignorant.
After class, I started thinking about my time at school. How I'd changed. What I'd learned. Who I was now. Most of it, I disliked. It was the typically little things that people oversaw. The invisable people, the ghosts, who you never took into account. I make it my goal almost every day to see these people. Because maybe they're the "cool" ones, and maybe we're just blind to the actual popularity.
I also seek out people in the LGBT community. There are barely any in our school, which probably contributes to its complete disregard for a loose gender system.
No matter what their reason, I'm trapped here. And a few along with me. I think of us as birds, dull and forelonging, in a broken up iron cage. There is no lock, no key. Our wings are bullet-heavy. We aren't given food, so we eat the rust from the metal, slowly poisoning ourselves.
Until we're able to get out, go to college, move to someplace more tolerant, all we can do is wait and waste.
The world crumbles quietly on the soft, sick plumage of the gender-strange birds.
Though this post may seem dramatic, these are truely my views and I hope that one day we'll develop more as a system. Thanks for listening.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Who Am I?

Being the person I am, I sometimes come across as all-knowing of myself. The truth is though, I'm still learning.
I can't(as of now)say that I am one thing. I can't identify. It's hard for some people to understand. I don't even fully understand my feelings.
So many questions come into my life every day, undirected: Are you a boy or a girl? Are you a lesbian? What are you? Why do you dress like that?
I can't answer all of them because I don't have the answers. I don't know what I am.
It makes me mad when people say I'm weird or crazy. Mostly the way they stare, though. As if I really am crazy.
What's with it? Look at it. Does it know its hair is missing?
These questions I don't even need to answer. They are there purely to harass me.
I know how I look and I know that others know too. Someday I hope I'll know what and who I am. Until then, I'm left to my peers and their stares. I wonder if they know how dumb they look staring. Yes, I'm human. Thank you for making me visable.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Third Gender

It's not that I hate dancing. I don't. I actually enjoy it to an extent. At one point, I was as good a dancer as the others.
The point of this post isn't, however, to talk about dancing achievements. It's to talk about some issues concerning dancing classes in schools.
For our school, we have a dancing section as part of the Phy. Ed. unit. It's pretty simple. Show up. Pay attention. Listen. Dance.
What isn't so simple is who we have to dance with. Either there's a shortage of boys or a shortage of girls. I would gladly dance with a friend. We were the only two without a partner. But our teacher wouldn't allow it.
I hated the thought of some guy's hands on me, and he probably felt the same. It's just so...awkward. Why couldn't I just go on the guy's side and dance with my friend? "There's no third gender", my teacher said.
Luckily, I got out early to help a friend. 'Narrowly avoided that one, didn't you?'
Still, I regretted going back. Having to dance with a boy who would never want to dance with me. Sitting on the sidelines once again with my friend because I couldn't just dance with her. It's funny...
They say that schools are "gender neutral", that they don't pick sides. And yet I see it every day. Boys. Girls...I stop.
Were those the only two?
Did I have to pick and choose? Boy or Girl...
Boy- Blue. Baseball cap and football. Short hair.
I had the short hair. I wore mostly men's tops. I might slip by, right?
Girl- Pink. Skirt and makeup brush. Colored hair.
My hair was colored. I liked women's styles. Is this one okay?
At the end of the day, once again, I can't decide. No third gender? What am I now? Two different minds? I didn't want to be that. I had one mind and it belonged to me. Tye. Or was it Tei? Stacey? Heather? Jordan? David?
Names. Labels. Judgment. Assignment.
I can't wait for the day when everyone shuts up and lets people be people. Men and Women. And the Third Gender.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Don't Hate

So...why do we hate?
Yes, I understand that people have different opinions about different topics. But, I mean, why hate?
It's one thing to say what you believe, but it's another thing to force your belief down someone's throat. You ostracize, chastise, but never sympathize. And why?
Is it not "cool" to like a person for who they are? Is it wrong to have your own opinions?
Oh, I get it.
It's okay for you guys to have your own opinions, but when someone you don't like has a different opinion, that's when it's unacceptable?
Let them conform to your ways and then they're accepted?
Let others be who they want to be. Even if you don't accept their views. That's okay.
Don't hate. Celebrate. Diversity.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Unwritten Law of Male & Female

I mean, really? Who thought up a law on how to be male or female? It's like writing a list of characteristics you have to have to be human.
It's not possible to do gender "by the book". Who said a guy can't wear a skirt? Who said you have to be male to put a tie on every day? If we had to go by these rules as if they were actual laws, what a world we would live in!
And why ostracize the people who are trans, femme, or masculine? We are approaching a generation in which it is acceptable for two men to marry. These people have been fighting for that right for years, and then we criticize them? Not okay.
People need to learn that just because Bobby wore his mom's dress to school doesn't make him wierd. I solute the people who actually have enough courage to express themselves and be who they know they are.
To the people out there who honestly think that being a girl means wearing pink, having long hair, and wearing makeup all the time and that being a boy means playing sports, wearing "guy" clothes, and hanging out with the football team, please grow the other side of your brain. I'm getting my hair chopped off later this week, and honestly, I feel proud. I'm so happy that I can cut my hair down to the skin and still love myself. Have pride people! <3

Friday, February 10, 2012

Welcome To My World

Hello all. I see you've found your way into this odd little world called Tei's Blog. I'll start off with an introduction: Hey. How ya doin?
Name: You can just call me Tei, Tey, or sometimes Wolfie. ^-^
Occupation: I wear flannel...a lot.
Music: Nicole Reynolds, CN Lester, La Roux
Favorite Animal: Sloth.
Purpose of Blog: This blog is mostly for anyone who's interested in reading. It's geared toward the trans, gay, and genderqueer community. I named the blog Dudettez because, to me, it's kind of like a mix between boy and girl slang. Please no hating.
Please leave any comments, questions, and/or suggestions for me. I'd love to get advice from the blogging community.
Lastly, call me what you will, just don't call me late for supper(did I tell that right?).